EWTN Vatican
Crossing the Tiber: Modern Conversion Stories at EWTN's Roman Nights

The Pontifical North American College of Rome hosted an enlightening evening on February 8th, organized by EWTN, themed "Crossing the Tiber: Today's Conversion Stories," highlighting personal spiritual journeys converging toward the Catholic Church. The stories shared challenged the common misconception of conversion as an isolated event, revealing instead a lifelong journey marked by daily dedication and an ever-evolving relationship with the divine. 

Conversion often emerges from shared experiences as a perpetual commitment rather than a sudden, transformative event. It is an existential odyssey requiring introspection, determination, and an ongoing conversation with one's faith.  

Chronicles of Spiritual Rebirth  

Anna Raisa Favale, an Italian director and screenwriter whose work spans theater, documentaries, and literature, shared how personal crises led her to a deeper understanding of happiness and God's presence in her life. Her creative endeavors, whether in correctional facilities or displaced communities, are rooted in her spiritual growth. Currently, she is translating her narrative talents into a pro-life science fiction feature film and engaging children in faith through her literary work in the United States. 

Favale shared, "I've been a believer since childhood, conversing with Jesus as early as six years old. By sixteen, I recognized my talents and decided to dedicate my life to spreading the gospel through them. My commitment was total; I surrendered my life to God, believing I had given Him everything. However, my faith was truly tested when my life and plans began to unravel. In New York, while directing a small Catholic television channel and facing personal and professional challenges, I questioned what God wanted from me." 

"This period of upheaval led to a deeper conversion," she continued. "I realized my trust in God was weaker than I thought, and my willingness to relinquish control was limited. It's easy to forgo idolizing bad things, but the real challenge is not to idolize even the good, like a calling or love. I learned that true happiness isn't about achieving specific milestones but finding joy solely in God's presence." 

Favale then reflected on her journey, "My recent years, particularly the last year and a half, have been like a desert experience, showing me that happiness comes from being with God. This daily conversion is about letting go of our plans and trusting in Him completely, without questioning His will." 

On her approach to conversion and faith, she noted, "Conversion is not just about changing others; it's about transforming ourselves. It involves facing our weaknesses and trusting that God will use us for greater purposes. The freedom to relinquish control and fully trust in God's plan is a profound form of liberation." 

Amidst personal and professional trials, Favale found herself contemplating God’s will, leading to a profound spiritual awakening. "The realization that my reliance on God was less formidable than I presumed, and my grasp on control more tenacious, paved the way for a deeper understanding of faith," Favale explained. Her journey highlights a seldom acknowledged truth: genuine contentment is not anchored to tangible achievements but is found in the tranquility of God's presence. 

 Favale's recent years, she recounted, resembled a spiritual wilderness, affirming that joy stems not from earthly endeavors but from divine companionship. This daily renewal involves surrendering personal blueprints in favor of divine trust—a concept Favale equates with profound liberation. 

The Journey of a Seminarian 

Seminarian William Robbins, whose story is rich with political and familial influences, shared his transition from Lutheran roots to a compelling Catholic vocation. His path was marked by significant encounters: the steadfast commitment of a Dominican religious sister, a life-changing teen retreat, and poignant Eucharistic experiences. These moments, intertwined with personal challenges, propelled him towards the Catholic Church and ultimately to embrace the priesthood, a decision strengthened by a quest for truth and a serene confidence in his divine calling. 

Robbins emphasized the role of Eucharistic adoration in his seminary life, considering it a refuge for contemplation amidst his rigorous theological studies. He concludes his tale with a hopeful tone, suggesting a universal invitation to spiritual transformation and the tranquility that comes with surrendering to God. 

He recounted a decisive moment: "While seated in the Adoration Chapel before an election, I prayed for a sign. When I lost, I interpreted it as a divine directive to enter the seminary." 

Reflecting on his experience and why others might feel a call to the priesthood, Robbins observed, "In my dialogues with fellow seminarians, a consistent theme emerges: a quest for truth and a sense of peace. The Catholic Church provides a clear declaration of truth and an exceptional peace that is rooted in our identity as cherished children of God." 

He also noted the significance of Eucharistic adoration in his daily routine: "Our schedule includes a dedicated hour for this practice. It's a vital time for prayer and introspection, especially amid the demands of seminary life." 

From Doubt to Devotion 

Father Michael Baggot's story spans from agnosticism to deep-seated Catholic faith. A revered bioethics professor and spiritual guide, he detailed his spiritual odyssey—not confined by time, but rather characterized by intellectual and emotional evolution. 

Father Baggot initially found solace in independence, but this was disrupted by existential questions that sought answers beyond worldly achievements. His path to faith began with an appreciation of the beauty in creation, suggesting a divine creator's touch. His progression to Catholicism was defined by curiosity, scholarly engagement, and personal change, leading to a profound recognition of his place within the Church: "As I confronted doubts and biases against the Catholic Church, I discovered a clarity and truth that aligned with my deepest inquiries about life and spirituality." 

His search led him to engage with the works of theological luminaries such as Augustine and Aquinas, moving him from doubt to a thoughtful belief. A significant turning point in his faith journey was sparked by C.S. Lewis's 'Mere Christianity,' which inspired a profound reassessment of his beliefs. 

The Essence of Prayer and Community Fellowship 

The shared conversion stories underscored the essence of silence and prayer, illustrating their role as channels for discerning God’s voice amid the chaos of life. Furthermore, the invaluable support from the faith community stood out as a foundational element for these spiritual journeys, providing nourishment and direction through the complex maze of belief. 

In summary, the "Crossing the Tiber" event depicted conversion not as an isolated incident but as an ongoing personal quest. The tapestry of narratives unveiled that evening served as a compelling invitation to forge a daily connection with God, nurturing an inner transformation towards the universal virtues of goodness and truth.  

"Roman Nights" is a series of gatherings organized by the EWTN Vatican Bureau aimed at bringing people together in Rome to reflect on issues related to faith in the contemporary world. The objective of these evenings is to foster dialogue on themes that weave together life and spirituality, featuring stories and reflections from key figures in the Catholic milieu. 

Author Name

Bénédicte Cedergren is a Swedish-French freelance journalist. After graduating from the University of Stockholm with a degree in Journalism, Bénédicte moved to Rome where she earned a degree in Philosophy at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas. She also sings sacred music and works as a photographer. Passionate about spreading the truth and beauty of the Catholic faith, Bénédicte enjoys sharing the testimonies of others and writing stories that captivate and inspire. She works for EWTN Vatican as a collaborator. 

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