EWTN Vatican
The Miraculous History of Saint Mary Major: Celebrating Our Lady of the Snows

On August 5, the faithful of Rome and pilgrims commemorate Our Lady of the Snows at the Marian Basilica of Saint Mary Major.

Saint Mary Major: A Historic Marian Church

Saint Mary Major is widely believed to be the most important church dedicated to Mary in Western Christendom. Under the papal altar rest five pieces of sycamore from the manger in Bethlehem, along with the cloths in which tradition holds Jesus' small body was wrapped. This has earned the basilica another name, Saint Mary of the Crib. One of the most amazing aspects of this church is the miracle that took place in the fourth century.

The Miracle of Snow

In the year 352, during the pontificate of Pope Liberius, a pious and wealthy Roman couple without heirs made a vow to donate all their earthly possessions to the church and to the Virgin Mary. Fr. Immacolato Acquali of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate explains, “They asked for a miracle to our Lady, and during the night our Lady appeared in a dream to John, the husband. She told him that in the morning, in a place in the city of Rome, they would spot the presence of snow, and they had to build a new church dedicated to Our Lady. That is exactly what happened.” This miracle prompted people to also call the basilica Our Lady of the Snows.

Construction and Consecration

The present church was built under Pope Celestine I in the next century. He consecrated it on August 5, 434, to the Virgin Mary, after the Council of Ephesus affirmed Mary as Mother of God.

Enduring Significance of the Blessed Virgin Mary

“What was true 1700 years ago is still true today,” Fr. Immacolato says. “The importance of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the history of the church and in the history of salvation, because when there are hardships, when there are difficulties, when there are trials, crosses, big problems, going to Mary asking for her help, is still what the true believer does even today.”

Traditions and Papal Affection

To this day, the legend is commemorated with a shower of white rose petals from the ceiling dome. After the celebration of the Mass and Second Vespers of the feast, the Holy Father has always had a special affection for the Marian icon of Salus Populi Romani in the Basilica.

Fr. Immacolato notes the Pope’s affection, saying, “He frequently was a pilgrim to Saint Mary Major, even before becoming pope. After becoming pope, as everybody knows, he goes to the basilica before and after every trip, even inside Italy. Not only for distant trips like those to Asia and Africa, but for every trip he goes before and after to pray, to entrust the trip to the Blessed Virgin Mary and to take back the fruits of the trip to the Blessed Virgin Mary after his journey.”

The commemoration of Our Lady of the Snows continues to be a significant event for the faithful, highlighting the enduring legacy and importance of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Adapted by Jacob Stein

Author Name

Kristina Millare is a freelance journalist with a professional communications background in the humanitarian aid and development sector, news journalism, entertainment marketing, politics and government, business and entrepreneurship.


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