EWTN Vatican
Pope Francis’ Call for Christian Unity

“It is time to heal the relationships among the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Churches," Pope Francis urged on the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Catholic-Orthodox Committee for Cultural Collaboration.

The Pope highlighted the Committee's crucial role in fostering cultural collaboration among the Catholic Church, Orthodox Churches, and Eastern Orthodox Churches. He emphasized its academic programs, essential for building dialogue and friendship among Catholic and Orthodox students.

In referencing the benefit of such communities, Pope Francis highlighted how, “This lively and direct contact with concrete communities in which people experience the same desire to follow the one Master, the Lord Jesus Christ, and to serve His Church helps not only Orthodox and Eastern Orthodox students, but also Catholic students, to overcome prejudices, break down barriers, and build bridges of dialogue and friendship.”

The Pontiff extended his gratitude to the heads of the Dicastery for the Promotion of Christian Unity, offering special greetings to Cardinal Kurt Koch and the rectors of ecclesiastical colleges hosting scholarship students.

In concluding his message, the Pope expressed a hope that, through welcoming and fraternal respect, attentive listening, and sharing, this year may lead to an ever greater unity for the good of Christians worldwide. 

Adapted by Jacob Stein

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