EWTN Vatican
Thousands March in Rome for National "Demonstration for Life" 2024

Under the motto "Choose Life," several thousand people gathered in Rome on June 22 for the national “Demonstration for Life.” Despite the heat, many demonstrators assembled at Piazza della Repubblica and marched nearly 1.5 miles to the square in front of the Lateran Basilica.

Pope Francis sent a message to the organizers, stressing that there is “no compromise on human life.” He thanked participants for their “commitment and public witness in defense of human life from conception to natural death” and urged them to “go forward with courage despite every adversity.”

The march continued almost one mile down the Via Nazionale before reaching the area of the ancient Imperial Forum, where a rally with speeches and musical performances was held.

The rally was attended not only by people from all over Italy but also from other countries. In addition to personal testimonies, the pro-life demonstrators called on politicians to create a society where every life is protected.

The manifestation was organized by the Italian association Pro Vita & Famiglia. Recently, they reported another attack on their Rome headquarters. On June 6, a female protester, accompanied by an ANSA cameraman and a leftist European Parliament candidate, tried to plaster a pro-abortion poster on the building. This marks the 13th act of vandalism against Pro Vita & Famiglia in under three years and the third in just over a month.

Adapted by Jacob Stein

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